Summer Tutoring

Learning Center Summer Math Tutoring

June 12th - July 29th
Mondays & Wednesdays:
-10am Preschool - 2nd Grade
10am-12pm Elementary 3rd - 5th Grade

Tuesdays & Thursdays: 

8am-10am Jr. High School 6th - 8th Grade
10am-12pm High School 9th - 12th Grade

***July 29th - Awards Ceremony: 9:00am - 12:00pm
Prices: Preschool $5 per month
Elementary $10 per month
Jr. High $10 per month
High School $10 per month

Make payments to : Town of Delhi Recreation Department *(Checks and Money Orders only)*

Mail to: 120 Tweddle Street
Delhi, LA 71232

Contact: Anthony R. Smith

Deadline: June 9th - 7pm
***Concession stand will be available.***